And then when Larry's car is bisected laterally by a literal fork in the road and Steve's side crashes through the house of an old couple playing Scrabble. "That's cute! Your dog walks on two legs". Took a Level in Dumbass: Larry is much dumber here than in the Life of Larry short. Clearly, Larry doesn't do thinking very well. Getting whacked by a 10-centimeter sphere of aluminum in space is like detonating 15 pounds (7 kilograms) of TNT, Jack Bacon, a senior scientist at NASA, told Wired in 2010. The thought balloon above Larry starts with two cogs meshing, but slowly and with much creaking, followed by a square peg failing to nestle into a round socket. Thinking Wheels: Arriving at Larry's home, Steve notes some deficiencies in the decor, and mentions that these problems need to be addressed. Larry is not the exception because Steve mentions having another dog that spoke Dutch. Speaks Fluent Animal: For whatever reason, Larry speaks dog. You still haven't returned my weed wacker". Shout-Out: When Larry supercharges a lamp with an 800 watt bulb and causes it to shoot light so powerful it can cut through things, he says " Luke, this is your landlord. Rules of the Road: After Larry and Steve pass a sign warning of a fork in the road, they crash into an actual giant fork. Somehow, nobody ever came and found him in all that time, and he did not starve to death. Rule of Funny: Larry somehow got his foot stuck in a radiator at school and took 12 years to get out. Pounds Are Animal Prisons: Steve treats the shelter he's in as similarly to a prison. The other characters even see him walking bipedally, so it isn't Stylized for the Viewer. Partially Civilized Animal: Steve walks on two legs and can act human, but he's still a pet dog and is treated as such. Never Say "Die": It's stated on an intercom that Steve would be "destroyed" if he wasn't adopted at the last minute. Negative Continuity: This cartoon and the Life of Larry short cannot exist in the same continuity, because even if you were to try and consider this as a prequel, in the first short, Larry was married, had a son, and lived in a house instead of an apartment. Made of Iron: Steve endures a lot of abuse throughout the cartoon, crashing into TNT, getting beat up by a malfunctioning massage bed, and getting stuck on the tip of a plane as it crashes into a mall. Lighter and Softer: Than the Life of Larry short. Lampshade Hanging: While the car is driving out-of-control towards a stack of TNT, Steve interrupts his scream to point out: "Wait a minute, isn't that a little contrived?". He insists it wasn't because he was stupid, as he did not get held back, but he got his foot stuck in a radiator and it took 12 years for him to get out. Held Back in School: Larry spent 12 years in kindergarten. Stacks tnt crashes how to#
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